ICG personnel honored with President’s Tatrakshak and Tatrakshak Medals on Independence Day 2024
New Delhi, 14 Aug 24: On the occasion of Independence Day 2024, the President of India has awarded the prestigious President’s Tatrakshak Medal (PTM) and Tatrakshak Medal (TM) to distinguished personnel of the Indian Coast Guard (ICG). These honuors recognize the exceptional bravery, devotion to duty and meritorious service demonstrated by the recipients.
The following ICG personnel have been honoured:
(a) President’s Tatrakshak Medal (Distinguished Service)
(i) IG Donny Michael, TM (0258-L)
महानिरीक्षक डोनी माइकल, तटरक्षक पदक (0258-एल)
(b) Tatrakshak Medal (Gallantry)
(i) DyComdtAaqilPathan (1544-J)
उप समादेशक आकिल पठान (1544-जे)
(c) Tatrakshak Medal (Meritorious Service)
(i) DIG BalakrishnanMurugan (0373-V)
उप महानिरीक्षकबालाकृष्णनमुरुगन(0373-वी)
(ii) Girish Kumar Verma, P/Adh(RO), 01432-L
गिरिश कुमार वर्मा, प्रधान अधिकारी (आर ओ), 01432-एल
The President’s Tatrakshak Medal and Tatrakshak Medal are awarded annually on Republic Day and Independence Day, acknowledging the outstanding contributions and dedication of ICG personnel since 26 Jan1990.
These awards underscore the commitment and bravery of ICG personnel in safeguarding our maritime interests and ensuring the safety of our national waters. The recipients have demonstrated exemplary service, reflecting the core values of the Indian Coast Guard.