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Hyderabad: Mahindra University’s School of Law to organize International Law and Technology Conference on Mar 1-2

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School of Law (SOL), Mahindra University is an institution dedicated to fostering innovation and academic excellence. We are proud to announce that SOL is going to organize a Workshop on “Data Governance in the Age of Artificial Intelligence” on 29th February 2024; and an International Law and Technology Conference on “Revolutionary Technologies and Evolutionary Laws: Challenges and Opportunities” on 1st & 2nd March 2024 in the hybrid mode. Prof. (Dr.) Balakista Reddy, Dean – School of Law Mahindra University said in a statement.

In this mega-event dignitaries including renowned lawyers, industry experts, sitting and retired judges, and academicians from across the world are participating, to name a few Mr. Dragoş Tudorache (Member of European Parliament,); Ms. Debbi Reynolds (Global Data Privacy and Protection Expert Strategist, Chicago, USA); Prof. Frans Von Der Dunk (Leiden University, Netherlands); Mr. Michael Charles Borrelli (Director at AI and Partners, Netherlands); Mr. Manu Mohan (Consultant, Shoosmith, Brussels, Belgium); Mr. Bala Prasad (Chief Innovation Officer, TCS, India); Jeremy Werner (News Director, BABL AI, Missouri, USA); Dr. Akshaya Kamalnath (Australian National University, Australia) and so on.

The importance of these forthcoming events lies in their respective domain to bridge the ever-widening gulf between law and technology. With technology advancing at a rapid pace, law has been struggling to keep pace, leaving society grappling with numerous challenges.

To address these disparities, Mahindra University School of Law (SOL) is organizing above events to directly address these issues, such as data privacy, data sharing, data security, state sovereignty, state jurisdiction, state responsibility and governance, AI ethics, definition of AI, among other contemporary pressing issues and challenges.

These workshop and conference distinctly aim at providing a common platform for discussion and culminating into a convergence of legal and technological perspectives.

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