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Over 600 LMT paddy procured benefiting 75 lakh farmers with MSP outflow of more than Rs. 1,30,000 Cr

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Paddy procurement of over 600 Lakh MT has been completed during Kharif Marketing Season 2023-24 (kharif crop). This has benefitted 75 Lakh farmers providing MSP outlay of more than Rs.1,30,000 crores. The procurement started in October 2023.

With the current level of procurement of 600 MT of paddy, central pool holds more than 525 LMT of rice against the annual requirement of approx. 400 LMT under PMGKAY/ TPDS and other welfare schemes.

Govt. is also gearing up to maximize procurement of wheat during ensuing Rabi season to be commencing in the month of March, 2024 for which various measures are being taken in consultation with major wheat producing States.

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