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Hyderabad: UBI Kottaguda Branch donates two new Golf Cart Battery Electric Vehicles to Botanical Garden of TSFDC

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Union Bank of India, Kothaguda Branch of Hyderabad sponsored two brand new Golf Cart battery Electric Vehicles to Telangana State Forest Development Corporation, Botanical Gardens and handed over them to the TSFDC VC & MD Dr. G. Chandrashekar Reddy IFS at Botanical Gardens by Union Bank of India CGM Hyderabad Zone Sri. Bhaskar Rao and DGM N. Srinivasa Rao.

On this occasion Union Bank of India CGM Hyderabad Zone Sri. Bhaskar Rao said that “We are delighted to sponsor 2 battery vehicles to Botanical Gardens as we have seen much greenery development within this year and also 1000 + visitors and school children are visiting Botanical Gardens every day for the study on Flora and these golf carts will be utilized for schools and visitors too as an added amenity in the garden” he said.

Dr. G. Chandrashekar Reddy said that “every day many schools and colleges visit Botanical Gardens for the study on plants in this connection we have enriched its diversity with 1600 new species of plants and also procuring more 400 this month and we also constructed new poly houses where we procured and placed new variety of plants in it like Orchids, Insectivorous and Ferns too., many water fountains, Lotus ponds, Rasi Vanam, Nakshatra Vanam, Navagraha Vanam, Butterfly garden, Pencil & Eraser Garden Paper Tree Garden, Musical Tree Garden and many has been developed in the Botanical Garden for the purpose of Edutainment to many Schools, Colleges and Visitors too and these 2 Golf Cart battery vehicles will be utilized for the Schools, Colleges and Visitors of Botanical Garden. He also thanked Union Bank of India CGM Hyderabad Zone Sri. Bhaskar Rao and DGM N. Srinivasa Rao. and team for their support as part of the development of Botanical Gardens.

Union Bank of India CGM Hyderabad Zone Sri. Bhaskar Rao and DGM N. Srinivasa Rao, Senior Manager Prashash Nagar B. Shiva Kumar, Branch Manager Kothaguda B. Sumalatha, Sri. MJAkbar IFS (Retd.) Director, Dr. G. Skylab General Manager, Personal Officer Pushpalatha, K. Suman Eco-Tourism Projects Manager, V. Lakshmareddy Plantation Manager Kothaguda RF, Srinivasa Rao FRO Eco-Tourism, Samson Raju, Siddiq etc., were participated in the event.

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