ICG bravely faced Cyclone Michaung Special protection against loss of life at sea is appreciated
New Delhi, 06 Dec 23: Cyclone Michaung formed up in southeast Bay of Bengal, passed parallel to the north Tamil Nadu coast at a distance of 20-30 Nm and made landfall between Nellore and Machlipatnam on 05 Dec battering the coastline with devastating damages. Coast Guard being the prime maritime agency for Safety Security and Environment protection in Indian Waters undertook proactive actions to ensure timely pre-emptive measures in response to the disaster.
The Coast Guard issued advisory to all stakeholders well in advance on 27 Nov when the system started forming up in Southeast Bay of Bengal and thereafter followed up with regular updates on developing weather and predicted track to all stakeholders. Advisory was issued to Dept. of Fisheries to advice fishermen not to venture into sea. Coast Guard Ships at sea advised all fishing boats to return to nearest harbour. The Coast Guard Radar stations along the coast continuously broadcasted advisories to all mariners through VHF radio.
All Ports were advised to shift vessels to safer berths and sail vessels at anchorage away from the path of cyclone. Oil Handling agencies were advised to shift rigs/ platforms to safe location and undertake necessary evacuation.
ICG Disaster Response teams were formed and deputed to aid civil authority. The teams maintained necessary coordination with SDMA and Greater Chennai Corporation for HADR assistance.
A total of 08 ICG Ships and 02 Aircraft were deployed during the cyclone which braved the rough seas and valiantly patrolled the coastal waters of Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh to ensure safe return of approximately 3000 boats to harbour and safety of more than 1000 personnel manning the oil rigs in KG basin besides advising hundreds of merchant vessels in area.
With the persistent efforts, ICG ensured Nil loss of life and property at sea during Cyclone Michaung. The ships also ensured that there is no damage to Marine environment due to marine Pollution by oil and other hazardous substances. The disaster response teams were deployed from 04 Dec to 06 Dec to mitigate and alleviate the sufferings of stranded personnel of Chennai. The stranded personnel were brought to safety and provided with food and basic necessities.