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‘World Food India 2023’: Processing for Prosperity

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Andhra Pradesh and Telangana food processing companies participated in the ‘World Food India’ Expo under the supervision of R. P. Naidu, Assistant General Manager of Hyderabad APEDA regional office. The following companies have participated in ‘World Food India 2023: Processing for Prosperity’ from 3-5 November 2023 at Bharathamandapam, PragathiMaidan, New Delhi from Andhra Pradesh and Telangana State.

S.No.Company nameState Product
1M/s. Kavya AgroTelanganaFruits & vegetables- value added, mango pulp
2M/s. Basani Agro Innovations Pvt. Ltd.TelanganaMillet value added products and spices
3M/s. Terra Firma Organics Pvt. Ltd.TelanganaMillets, cereals, pulses, spices, sugar, pickles
4M/s. Sresta Natural BioproductsPvt Ltd.TelanganaOrganic food products
5M/s. FrumarAgri Food Pvt. Ltd.TelanganaPickles, snack food, masalas, millets, millet flours, frozen food, ravvas, flours, spices and groceries
6M/s. Sam Agri tech Pvt Ltd.,TelanganaFresh fruits and processed fruits products, Pomegranate Arils
7M/s. DP ChocolatesAndhra PradeshChocolates, pastes, Dips
8M/s. Yeruka Naidu AgrosAndhra PradeshJaggery
9M/s. Al-Sami Agro Products Pvt. Ltd.Andhra PradeshBuffalo meat
10M/s. RN Galla Family Pvt. Ltd., Galla Foods DivisionAndhra PradeshThermally processed aseptic fruit pulps and concentrates
11JYJ Trade and ExportsAndhra PradeshRice, Vegetables and fruits
12M/s. AnakapalliAgri and Horti Farmer Producer Company LimitedAndhra PradeshMillets, Fruits and Vegetables, processed food

The above exporters have participated and exhibited various agriculture and processed food products in APEDA pavilion by taking individual stalls in Hall No.03 at PragatiMaidan, New Delhiand also participated in the Buyer Seller Meet and interacted with international buyers/importers for export leads.

Out of 12 exporters, One FPO from Andhra Pradesh i.e. M/s. AnakapalliAgri and Horti Farmer Producer Company Limited and Women entrepreneur i.e. M/s. Basani Agro Innovations Pvt. Ltd. have taken part in WFI 2023 in New Delhi. Shri. Abhishek Dev, IAS, Chairman, APEDA visited stalls and interacted with exporter.

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