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Hyderabad: International Conference on ‘Advances in Condensed Matter Physics’ at GITAM

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Department of Physics, GITAM School of Science will organize a three-day International Conference on ‘Advances in Condensed Matter Physics’ (ICACMP-2023) at its campus on 11-13 October 2023.

The main objective of this conference is to provide an active forum where experts from across the globe can meet and share important and latest developments in modern Condensed matter physics and exchange innovative ideas on various interesting aspects of present-day research.

The meeting is also expected to provide perspective on future trends in condensed matter research and will allow the participants to explore opportunities to foster potential collaborations. It will cover a wide range of topics in the frontiers of Condensed matter physics through inspiring keynote and invited lectures and poster presentations by younger scientists.

High quality research works will be published tentatively in peer reviewed Proceedings. Interested persons can register their names through https://forms.gle/sJkeDxwwpUjfsoCk9.

For further details, contact Dr. I.V.Subba Reddy, Convenor, 96181 77690, e-mail to icacmp_2023@gitam.edu or visit www.gitam.edu/ICACMP2023.

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