SCR Bags Three Energy Efficiency Unit AwardsFrom CII
South Central Railway has received three Energy Efficient Unit Awards in favour of three administrative units of the zone from Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) at the 24thNational Awards for Excellence in Energy Management- 2023.
These awards are declared for the best energy management practices during the year 2023. These awards were received by the representatives of the respective units by the Chief Advisor to Government of Telangana during the Energy Efficiency awards function held at HICC, Hyderabad.
The details of awards presented are –
Lekha Bhavan (SCR Accounts Building)at Secunderabad has been awarded with Excellent Energy Efficient Unit in Building sector.
Rail Nilayam (SCR Headquarters Building) at Secunderabad &
Zonal Railway Training Institute (ZRTI) at Moulali were awarded as Energy Efficient units in buildings sector.
South Central Railway has been consistently receiving the Energy Conservation Awards both at National level and State level continuously for several years. Several administrative units have been selected for Energy efficient unit awards from CII and this year for the first time ZRTI building has secured recognition as Energy Efficient unit.

The zone has been instrumental in implementing various energy conservation measures like Energy efficient LED lighting, Energy efficient Inverter Type star rated & Precision AC units, HVAC control & Temperature monitoring, Switching off AC units during idling hours, Energy savers and occupancy sensors,
Use of solar energy for water heating & electricity generation, Timers for water coolers/rolling examination lights, Optimization of lifts, Bifurcation of fan circuits at platforms to switch off 70% fans during non train period, Use of Energy Efficient Pumps, Use of star labelled electrical equipments, Provision of Electronic fan regulators in place of Conventional fan regulators etc. All these measures are being implemented consistently which helps in energy conservation.
Shri Arun Kumar Jain, General Manager, South Central Railway has congratulated Principal Chief Electrical Engineer (PCEE), SCR, Divisional Railway Manager, Hyderabad Division and their teams who were instrumental in achieving this distinction. He stated that the energy management practices implemented by the Zone has earned a special recognition both at National and State Level and it is happy to note that this year ZRTI building has received the award for the first time.