Mission Life awareness programs and plantation drive organised in rural schools of East Khasi Hills district, Meghalaya
World Environment Day (June 5) is an occasion which brings together millions of people across the country for awareness and action for the environment. This year, the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India envisages to celebrate the World Environment Day 2023 with a thrust on the Mission LiFE.
The concept of LiFE, i.e., Lifestyle for Environment was introduced by the Hon’ble Prime Minister, at the World Leaders’ Summit in Glasgow at the 2021 UNFCCC COP26, when he gave a clarion call to rekindle a global pursuit to adopt sustainable lifestyle and practices. Mass mobilisation across the country on LiFE are being organized in the run-up to the celebrations.
- National Museum of Natural History (NMNH)
NMNH in collaboration with NZP organised a Mass mobilization of Mission LiFE in 231 students from Delhi/NCR participated.

RMNH, Mysore conducted “Play and songs on Environment activity” on 17.05.2023 as part of MISSION LiFE (LIFESTYLE FOR ENVIRONMENT) for 70 college students/ General visitors. Environmental awareness was created through screening of nature songs and encouraged to adopt Proplanet activities as part of Mass Mobilisation of Mission LiFE.
- Zoological Survey of India
Zoological Survey of India, Canning, Sundarban, West Bengal organised an awareness program for 50 Students at Canning in which students took pledge on Mission LiFE.

Zoological Survey of India, Sunderban Regional Centre, Canning ,West Bengal organised a program and green talks were delivered regarding water conservation and importance of Millets for adolescents boys and girls. A total 40 participants were participated from a local club, Bhandhumahal Club tool part in the event.
- National Centre for Sustainable Coastal Management (NCSCM)
In order to address the themes of Mission LiFE, NCSCM, in collaboration with Puducherry Municipality, social organisations, and the Volunteers Federation (NGO), held a clean-up and awareness programme at the heritage site, Botanical Garden, Puducherry, which was established in 1826. The garden hosts a variety of rare, endangered, vulnerable, threatened, and endemic species of the tropical dry evergreen forests and native species of the Coromandel coasts. On the LiFE theme, NCSCM scientists organised a nature walk around the botanical garden and collected 15 kg of plastic waste, mostly single-use plastics, and 100kg of organic debris, mostly plant litter and was disposed in the compost pit located in the Botanical Garden. On the awareness front, scientists trained around 300 visitors and garden officials on the importance of traditional knowledge, conserving and preserving historical flora and heritage trees, urban greening, optimising energy and water usage, and adopting a sustainable aspect of lifestyle as a part of mission LiFE. This event was carried out in order to raise awareness on the reduction of single-use plastics, the use of Eco-friendly alternatives to single-use plastics, responsible tourism, waste segregation at source, and biodiversity conservation. The event holistically sensitised the students and the visitors to the Botanical Garden in a comprehensive manner about their environment, habitat, and the need to live in harmony with nature. As a part of this event, participants took part in a LiFE pledge against littering and the menace of plastic pollution. Placards and pamphlets were displayed on the beach as part of this event. NCSCM scientists explained the importance of Mission LiFE to the public.

- National Institute of Himalayan Environment
Sikkim Regional Centre (SRC) of the National Institute of Himalayan Environment (NIHE) organized an Awareness program “Mission Lifestyle for Environment (LiFE)” on 17 May 2023 at Pangthang, Gangtok, Sikkim. The aim of the campaign was to i) make aware the participants on Mission LiFE, ii) synchronize young minds with LiFE themes, and iii) disseminate knowledge on environmentally friendly habits. The students were also sensitized to the importance of vermicomposting, and medicinal plant cultivation for a sustainable food system, and healthy lifestyles. A total of 40 students, teachers, researchers and scientists participated in the program and took LiFE pledge.
- Botanical Survey of India
ERC Shillong conducted Mission Life awareness programs and plantation on 17.05.2023 in different rural schools of East Khasi Hills district. Saplings were also distributed during the program.

BSI Shillong office conducting Mission LiFE program today in different rural schools.